Coaching & Skills Development

Supporting Families Nutritional, Social, & Learning Needs

Holistic Coaching Services

Our Holistic Coaching Department includes services to help families and individuals get the extra support they may need. Offerings include family enrichment & parenting skills training, holistic nutritional coaching, and life skills.

  • Holistic Nutritional Coaching

    Discover how to feel better, have more energy, and fuel your body with the “right” foods for your body and mind, along with practical and workable solutions for your unique life.

  • Family Enrichment & Parent Coaching

    Increase family connection, commitment, teamwork and understanding. Challenging feelings and problematic behaviors (yes, including picky eating) are reframed, reshaped, and redirected.

  • Life Skills Coaching

    Improve executive functioning, communication, organization, managing relationships, time management, and more. Support for young adults, adolescents, and neurodiverse individuals.

  • HeartMath®

    Break patterns of anxiety with the help of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback. Learn new techniques to retrain the heart-mind connection for greater resilience.